TPM Attacks: Decoding, Understanding and Manipulating the LPC Protocol | Douglas & Sue |

Описание к видео TPM Attacks: Decoding, Understanding and Manipulating the LPC Protocol | Douglas & Sue |

TPM Attacks: Decoding, Understanding and Manipulating the LPC Protocol | Douglas & Sue | Webinar 2021

Speaker Bio:
Douglas Gastonguay-Goddard, Senior Cybersecurity Researcher, is a prolific software engineer with a passion for architecting system solutions. At River Loop Security he works primarily on research in the domains of binary instrumentation and automated static code analysis. He also has experience in malware signature writing and treat hunting. His current interests include applying neural networks to machine formats, snapshot-based system emulation for fuzzing and instrumentation, and FPGA based hardware devices. He holds a Bachelors in Computer Science from Rutgers University and a Masters from Johns Hopkins University.

Sue Mohieldin is an Electrical Engineer and Cybersecurity Researcher at River Loop Security. She has experience in analog and digital systems as well as PCB design and performs security penetration testing on a wide array of systems. She has a background across the automotive and medical device industries and is passionate about designing secure solutions. Sue holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from Dartmouth College.

#Hardware #Security #TPM #LPCProtocol

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