Common Shelduck [Tadorna Tadorna]

Описание к видео Common Shelduck [Tadorna Tadorna]

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 Lifespan: 3 years (average); 17 years (maximum recorded)
 Length: 15–17.5 in
 Wingspan: 27–31 in
 Weight: 10–22 oz
 Family: Columbidae

The common wood pigeon, or simply the wood pigeon, is a large species of the Columbidae family. Its plumage is mostly gray, with a pinkish breast and a greenish tinge on the neck. The most distinguishable features are the large white patches on the neck (which juveniles lack) and white wing bands. It is otherwise very similar in appearance to the closely related pigeon and stock dove. It also has pale yellow or greenish eyes, whereas stock doves have dark eyes, and rock pigeons’ eyes are orange-red. The bill is pinkish-red at the base, with an orange-yellow tip.

Vocalizations: Call and song
Wood pigeons call year-round, especially at dawn. The call is a characteristic pigeon cooing, which can be described onomatopoeically as croo COO croo cru coo.

Distribution and range
Wood pigeons are native to the western Palearctic. There are at least four extant subspecies. Most are common residents within their range, whereas northernmost populations are migratory.

Wood pigeons prefer semi-open wooded habitats. They are common in urban areas, parks, and gardens.

Diet and feeding habits
They mostly eat plant foods, including leaves, shoots, seedlings, nuts, flowers, fruits, and berries. They also eat small invertebrates, such as insects, larvae, and worms. Wood pigeons are often regarded as pests due to their crop-raiding tendencies, targeting vegetables and cereal crops.

Nesting and breeding
Wood pigeons nest in trees. They build their nests out of twigs and line them with grasses, leaves, and other soft materials. Females typically lay two or three eggs and the incubation period is around 17 days. The young fledge roughly 28 days after hatching.

Status and conservation
The wood pigeon is an abundant and common species within its range. Predators include sparrowhawks, goshawks, and domestic cats. The nestlings are vulnerable to crow attacks. Wood pigeons are classified as “least concern” by the IUCN.

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