Mercedes-AMG C43 vs. C63 - SOUND-Battle (60FPS)

Описание к видео Mercedes-AMG C43 vs. C63 - SOUND-Battle (60FPS)

First "Side-by-Side" comparison of the newly launched 2016 / 2017 Mercedes-AMG C43 Coupé and the recently revealed C63s Cabriolet. Both cars were driven only a few hours apart so we could really compare them well. Everything is recorded with the same microphone and settings therefore you should get a good idea on how they compare in reality. What immediately sticks out is that the C43 has somehow a lot louder howl and sound than the C63s which only gets as pervasive in the high revs. Something the mics don't pick up as well is the deep grunt and bass the V8 in the C63s has, it sounds a lot more powerful in real life. Still I'm very impressed was AMG did with the C43 and the Bi-Turbo V6, its really a true AMG once it comes to emotions. If you LIKE watching clips like this please don't hesitate to COMMENT / SUBSCRIBE and don't miss out the full DRIVE & SOUND of these two cars. Cheers.


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