Glider Breaks Law of Gravity

Описание к видео Glider Breaks Law of Gravity

How is this even possible? The glider just keeps circling around and around the people on the ground, diving down and then zooming back up to the same original altitude??? I had a lot of fun flying this to show just how amazing modern gliders (sailplanes) really are. This glider is in ASW27B and has a 50 foot (15 meter) wing span and a glide ratio of 48:1. With just a little lift created from wind against the mountain sides, you can see that a glider can stay up for ever and the pilot can have a lot of fun! I wish that I could meet the people on the ground and see any video of what it looked like from down below. I bet it was spectacular to see this aircraft defying the laws of gravity and keep circling with no engine. What a fun day - thanks for watching. Many more videos to come! Bruno - B4


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