Tribes of Kalahandi (Odisha) | Tribes of India

Описание к видео Tribes of Kalahandi (Odisha) | Tribes of India

Prasar Bharati Archives presents Tribes of India series.

Tribes of Kalahandi - Odisha
Kalahandi district is predominated by tribals. Tribals like Banjara, Bhatra, Bhunjia, Binjhal, Dal, Gond, Kandha, Mirdha, Munda, Paraja, Saora and Savar etc. are inhabited in the district.
According to population Gonds is in the first place and Kandhas come to the next in the district.

Kalahandi is largely an agriculture based economy. It was famous for gemstone (Karonda Mandal) in ancient times. The majority of the population are Hindu, a small minority being Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist and Jain.

#tribe #Odisha #art&culture #pople #diversity #Kalahanndi

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