Cervical Osteochondrosis. Definition

Описание к видео Cervical Osteochondrosis. Definition

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Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease of the spinal bones and joints of the neck due to changes in the intervertebral discs, which are meant to cushion and protect the vertebrae. It results in pain and other symptoms due to compression of nerves.

Cervical osteochondrosis causes narrowing of the vertebral artery canal and the cervical canal. This causes compression of blood vessels and nerve structures, which can lead to neurological symptoms. 80% of the world population over the age of 40 has cervical osteochondrosis, but only 3% of them have symptoms of this condition.

The cervical region of the spine is made up of seven vertebrae, which are designated as C1 through C7. The cervical region of the spine is very mobile. Its mobility is ensured by the facet joints, the intervertebral discs, and the spinal ligaments.

Cervical vertebrae are different from other vertebras because they have holes in the transverse processes called transverse foramina. Arteries which supply the brain with blood come from the neck through these holes. The cervical region of the spine is curved forward. This curving help to absorb pressure, vibrations and shock that occur with movement.


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