Kingdom Hearts 3 - Dearly Beloved (1 Hour Extended Loop) - MisAnthro Pony

Описание к видео Kingdom Hearts 3 - Dearly Beloved (1 Hour Extended Loop) - MisAnthro Pony

MisAnthro Pony Archive:

Original Upload: January 30, 2019 on MisAnthro Pony's deleted channel
Video Archive Link:

Original Description below:
Since no one else has taken the time to do this, I figured I could do it. If you feel like you need help sleeping, just play this and you'll be off to snooze land soon enough.

Personally, this is my favorite version of Dearly Beloved as it perfectly symbolizes just how far the characters have come and how much the series and the fandom have matured and grown over the years.

May the future of Kingdom Hearts shine brighter then ever before!


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