Body Worn Antennas

Описание к видео Body Worn Antennas

Slide 1
The effect on the pattern, the gain and the impedance matching of an antenna from the human body (or high loss dielectric body) as the distance between the antenna and the body becomes smaller and smaller.

Slide 2
Evolution of workhorse antennas developed at OSU's ElectroScience Lab for body-worn diversity applications

Slide 3
The signal towards any given direction remains high by switching to the antenna with the best performance in that direction. This is shown in this video by tracing the signals from each antenna but also the diversity module as the phantom revolves around itself.

Slide 4
Shows how the body-worn antenna diversity module, developed at the ElectroScience Lab at OSU, can track the maximum intensity signal and keep the optimum channel always connected to the radio. This can be used for enabling hidden wearable antennas to perform even better than existing on-radio antennas.


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