Alan Coffee: ‘Richard Price and Mary Wollstonecraft – Apostles of Liberty’

Описание к видео Alan Coffee: ‘Richard Price and Mary Wollstonecraft – Apostles of Liberty’

Alan Coffee, King’s College Llundain: ‘Richard Price a Mary Wollstonecraft – Apostolion Rhyddid’
Yma gwerthusir y berthynas ddiddorol rhwng meddwl gwleidyddol Richard Price a Mary Wollstonecraft, gyda honiad gogleisiol eu bod yn rhannu fframwaith moesol a gwleidyddol, wedi’i adeiladu ar y ddelfryd o ryddid, y mae Wollstonecraft yn ei ddatblygu i geisio sicrhau rhyddid i fenywod a grwpiau cymdeithasol ymylol eraill.

Alan Coffee, King’s College London: ‘Richard Price and Mary Wollstonecraft – Apostles of Liberty’
Here the intriguing relationship between Richard Price and Mary Wollstonecraft’s political thought is evaluated, with a thought-provoking claim that they share a moral and political framework built on the ideal of freedom, which Wollstonecraft develops to better deliver freedom for women and other marginalised social groups.


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