Administer Comments with Better Comments Administration Module

Описание к видео Administer Comments with Better Comments Administration Module

By: Ivan Zugec |   / webwashnet  


- Better comments administration ( (7.x-1.x-dev)
- Ctools (
- Views (
- Views Autocomplete Filters (


Drupal's default comments administration page is very basic, and if you want to review and approval comments you'll have to jump between two pages.

The "Better comments administration" module allows you to preview, approve and search comments on a single page. In this video, I'll show you how to install and use the "Better comments administration" module.

The module has a few dependencies, but on most Drupal websites you should already have these modules installed. Download and install Views, Ctools and "Views Autocomplete Filters".

Finally, download and install the latest development release of "Better comments administration". We'll use the latest dev release because it requires fewer modules. Version 1.0 needs Panels and Page manager on top of Ctools and Views.

To access the administration page, go to Structure, Views and click on the "Better comments administration" path.

Now I have used Devel generate to create some test content and comments.

If you want to preview a comment, click on preview and the comment will appear in the right column. Then, if you want to reject a comment simply click on reject. And you can also approve comments.

Each operation is handled via an AJAX request, this makes it fast and reduces the need to switch between pages.

Also, thanks to the "Views Autocomplete Filters" module. Title and Author are autocomplete fields. Finally, if you want to give a user access to this page assign them the "Administer Better comments administration" permission.


Информация по комментариям в разработке