ANAC Carwash: Nieuwegein Site

Описание к видео ANAC Carwash: Nieuwegein Site

ANAC Carwash acquired their third location from Starwash in 2000, and since then have expanded and remodeled the site. Currently, the property has a gas station, self-serve wash bays, split wash tunnel, and self-serve vacuums.

The prewash tunnel has a 23m long conveyor, equipped with a 4 manifold Holz Mega-Power arch, turbo wheel blasters, first generation wrap/top brush combo, PE118 rocker brushes, PE250 grill brushes, PE196 wheel brushes, and an Econocraft top brush. The 35m long main wash tunnel has Holz PE196 wheel brushes, a Christ Kinematic top brush, Hanna-Sherman HCRP rocker brushes, HDM-3 mitter, and van brushes, a 6 producer Holz drying system, and a Sonny's SFM804 mitter for textile drying. Every component is equipped with Brushcom materials, with MicroAct cloth on most of the side surface components and the mitter, CCT Foam on the PE118s, Hybrid on the Holz and Christ top brushes, Hover on the Econocraft top brush, and MicroDry on the drying mitter. ANAC Carwash uses 4Carwash chemicals, and the top wash includes the lava bath, polish wax, Blob PS Gold protectant, double wheel cleaning, and underbody.


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