~Ghost's From The Past~

Описание к видео ~Ghost's From The Past~

History is important. People's hopes, dreams,....their lives..... are important to them as they are living them. After they are gone, things that seemed so important, life or death struggles, end of the world stuff....great times, terrible times.....it doesn't matter anymore to them.
What they, ....we....leave behind is all that is left. It should count for something. These old cabins and homesteads, were someone's dreams once .
Tearing them down, or monuments of any kind is wrong. It dishonors the dead, and steals from the living.
It makes me sick everytime one of them is lost. When they are gone, they are gone forever.
Some monuments, like the Civil War ones the liberals are so dead set against, are no different. It doesn't matter which side they were on now, the war is over. Those that fought it are gone.
Those people had families that are still living today though. It matters to them. It matters to young kids that won't get a chance to see these things if they are torn down.
It matters to us as a country to remember the struggles this country went through to get where we are today. It makes us realize how important it is to fight to keep what we have.
To erase any history, good or bad, is a terrible thing to do.
It matters Folks.....at least it should.
These cabins and homesteads.....who built them? Why? What were their lives like?
Only the Ghost's know........


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