MOOER GE300 Lite Floor Modeler

Описание к видео MOOER GE300 Lite Floor Modeler

Trying out the new Mooer GE300 Lite pedal !

I'm Ola Englund and welcome to my channel. A channel dedicated to guitar related gear with a focus on metal. I also play in the metal bands The Haunted & Feared and run a guitar company

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►List of things I use to make my video:

DISCLAIMER - This is NOT a sponsored video. I'm not getting paid to make a video. The review unit itself gets shipped back to the manufacturer when the video is done. I'm trying my best to give you unbiased demonstrations where I let the piece of gear do the talking. I explain to anyone who wants me to demo something that I cater to the VIEWER and not to the brand. If their product is shit, it's going to show in the video.


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