Dasai Bosozoku Mochi

Описание к видео Dasai Bosozoku Mochi

This video serves as nothing more than to inform consumers about this product prior to any potential purchases without any flashy marketing, Instagram filters, or otherwise nonsense. We absolutely do not agree with Dasai's questionable business practices and actively warn others about their product misdirection, false pretense of "low-stock" to drive sales, lying about "limited editions" to drive sales, as well as other things that just leave a bad taste in our mouth. This product is powered by a USB cable, it is NOT powered by an internal battery. We have seen numerous people confused by this and want to make that clear.

0:00 Box overview
0:09 Box contents - Included ~2ft USB good for packaging, uselessly short otherwise.
0:14 Mochi overview - Helmet slightly scratched new out of the box. (Mostly unnoticeable)
0:18 Mochi buttons
0:35 Quarter for scale
0:38 Beginning of animations - 32 unique animations including "default" smile.
0:39 Title
0:45 Headlights
1:02 Stars
1:10 Cookie
1:18 Upside Down
1:25 Glitch
1:29 Angry
1:33 Squint
1:37 Sneeze
1:41 Look Left
1:43 Music
1:51 Sakura
1:56 Pong
2:06 Dasai
2:13 Smile
2:17 Shrink
2:19 UwU
2:22 Rainbow
2:30 Smirk
2:36 Look Right
2:38 Yawn
2:45 Laugh
2:49 Crying
2:54 Police
3:01 Distracted
3:11 Sleepy
3:21 Turbo
3:28 Raspberry
3:33 Revs
3:44 Love
3:49 Look Down
3:50 Beginning of light colors - Colors don't change automatically, requires button press.
3:52 Purple
3:56 Teal
4:01 Yellow
4:06 White
4:11 Rainbow
4:17 Blue
4:21 Red
4:27 Green
4:31 Beginning of light modes - Modes don't change automatically, requires button press.
4:32 Patlite
4:35 Solid
4:38 Police
4:44 Pulsing
4:49 Sequence
4:55 No light


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