Urine Test For Kidney Disease (Protein In Urine) At Home Kidney Test. How To Use Urine Test Strips?

Описание к видео Urine Test For Kidney Disease (Protein In Urine) At Home Kidney Test. How To Use Urine Test Strips?


People with kidney disease have reduced kidney function. This means that your damaged kidneys are unable to block partial amounts of protein from passing through the kidneys which then leaks protein (albumin) into your urine.

In this video, Robert teaches us how to use reagent strips for urinalysis to check your urine for kidney disease. We have a brief video on how to test your urine at home which will provide you with a broad overview.

The type of dipsticks shown in the video can be easily found in your local pharmacy or any health store. However, this video is about looking at the protein levels and reading the numbers more clearly.

You can start by collecting some urine in a small container and quickly dip the reagent strip and pull it out. The colored boxes on the testing strip are going to change colors once they come in contact with the urine. After that, look at the color chart on the dipstick container and match up your colors.

Robert checked his urine at home and he studied the protein levels in it. After close analysis, he observed about 100mg of protein in his urine. An average range would be 40mg - 150mg for someone with fair kidney damage. Most people should have less than 40mg of protein in their urine.

The amount of protein found in your urine can be determined by your protein intake. Depending on what kind of kidney diet you may be following, a high protein intake with kidney disease can lead to more kidney damage, inflammation, and increased amounts of protein in the urine.

You can easily use these urinalysis strips to detect kidney disease or use it as a way to monitor your kidney disease. Some brands that sell these reagent strips shown in the video are Rapid Response and MeriCheck. Try to look for these urine test strips at your local drug store as they’re easily available.

If you’re worried about leaking too much protein in your urine or you’re not aware of how much protein you’re urinating, be sure to get these urine test strips to check all your crucial levels.

A bonus tip would be trying to opt for a low to very low protein diet with kidney disease. This can drastically reduce the stress on your kidneys and may even decelerate the progression of kidney disease. Check out our website for a full guide on low protein diets for kidney disease.


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If you are someone suffering from kidney disease, be sure to check out our website for beneficial products, diet plans, and dietary supplements.

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