Prototype - Movement Event 08: Corners *Platinum Medal*

Описание к видео Prototype - Movement Event 08: Corners *Platinum Medal*

[Alex Mercer Upgrade: MAX]

[] Strategy []

A bastard of an event. Definitely the first thing to do is to head towards the + shaped buildings to the left while making sure to keep low so you don't have to wait to fall towards them. When you reach the first one dash just before you land from the glide and jump yourself to the next building. Dash right before you land jump off the building towards the next waypoint. At the height of your jump you should start gliding. You should only need to dash and glide once more to land directly on top of the building where you will need to dash off and jump again. Head towards the building in front of you and glide. You should be able to reach the top without wall running but if you need to don't jump too high and head towards the left to more + shaped buildings. Handle them as you did before and then jump towards the tall building in front. You should be able to make most of the way up with gliding and before landing try to charge a short jump and then glide down to building in front with the next waypoint. I went a bit too far and didn't want to run into the AC unit so i ended up using the right side for most of the way towards the next waypoint. There's no real fool proof way of getting through these next areas except for trying to jump and double dash your way through as much as possible. I resorted to gliding but it will be slower. The next waypoint is near a base so take the right side of the gun towers so that you won't be detected and have military after you. I've heard many people say that taking the streets is easier and faster. Try what works for you. A lot of the stuff I did after the second waypoint was improvised. If you want to try the street method I would start after the second waypoint and do low jumps and double dashes till you get near to the 3rd way point and then charge a goodjump to grab it and then head to the streets for the final one.

[] Commentary []

Hated this one. I enjoy watching the video more actually making platinum on this. The street method would probably be faster but I'm tired of messing with events and dunno if I would enjoy getting a decent platinum run using that. If i do I'll probably post it as a response to this video though.


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