Speech by Sir Fazle Hasan Abed - Bengal Architecture Symposium: NOW/NEXT

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The Chairman of Bengal Institute's Advisory Board Sir Fazle Hasan Abed starts his speech by sharing his experience during post war activities in ‘72 particularly about a village destroyed in war that he wanted to rebuild and why it was not successful. He then talked about the shifting demographics in rural and urban areas, the challenges of accommodating increasing populations in urban spaces and asked how one might train new planners and architects to face these challenges.

Sir Abed was born in 1936 in Bangladesh. He was educated at both Dhaka and Glasgow Universities. After the liberation war of 1971 he established BRAC in order to rehabilitate the returning refugees of the war in a remote area in north-eastern Bangladesh. Under his leadership, in the span of only four decades, BRAC grew to become the largest development organisation in the world in terms of the scale and diversity of its interventions.

Watch the entire Symposium at http://bit.ly/NowNext
Originally recorded on 18th March, 2016 at KIB Auditorium, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Organized by Bengal Institute for Architecture, Landscapes and Settlements https://bengal.institute in association with the Bengal Foundation.
©Bengal Foundation 2016


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