[게리모드] 도시의 사람들이 모두 사라졌다! 공포 도주 상황극 스마일리

Описание к видео [게리모드] 도시의 사람들이 모두 사라졌다! 공포 도주 상황극 스마일리

#루시 #스마일리 #공포 #상황극 #럭키루시 #garrysmod #gmod

The Final Flash of Existence | SCP: Secret Laboratory OST
Created by: Jacek "Fragik" Rogal
The official SCP: Secret Laboratory theme. Currently used in many different places and variations. Most commonly known by applications in the LCZ decontamination theme, main menu loop and the orchestral version (presented in the Megapatch 2 trailer).
Get the game on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/70...
The song is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
You do not have to credit the author in productions that are strongly related to SCP: Secret Laboratory (such as gameplay videos, reviews of the game, cinematics). In any other cases, you should credit the author. You can do it in any meaningful way; for YouTube productions - description works just fine. For example: "The content includes soundtrack made by Jacek 'Fragik' Rogal for SCP: Secret Laboratory".


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