Reaction: Nonviolent

Описание к видео Reaction: Nonviolent

“Doctor, Subject FQ-3 has completed the gauntlet. Successfully.”
“Third time really is the charm, I guess. Not a single failure?”
“No, Doctor. All Class-V Items, one to seven, had a passive reaction. As a matter of fact, Items 2, 3, 5, and 7 all appeared to be... well, scared.”
“The gypsies didn’t lie, after all.”
“I don’t think it’s appropriate to call them that, and they absolutely heard you.”
“Upgrade her designation to AF, and record her results as ‘Reaction: Nonviolent’ across the board. Dispose of FQs 1 and 2, scrub and kick out the other four, and take AF to her new room.”
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“Ah, of course. This is an opportunity that only shows itself once a century, so take good care of her.”
“Fine. You may call her by her real name, but only her first name. She never had a family name. Do I make myself clear?”
“Understood, Doctor. Just ‘Marianne’ it is.”


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