Cherry Blossoms Tour in Shinkawa SENBONZAKURA, Tokyo. English Subs, BGM. 【満開の桜を巡る 新川千本桜】

Описание к видео Cherry Blossoms Tour in Shinkawa SENBONZAKURA, Tokyo. English Subs, BGM. 【満開の桜を巡る 新川千本桜】

"Shinkawa" canal is crossing Edogawa Ward from east to west. In the old days, this canal was a busy "salt road" that carried salt to Edo Castle. Now the area was redeveloped into the "Shinkawa Senbonzakura," a 3 kilometer stretch of cherry blossoms.
Let's take a slow bicycle ride along the 6 km round-trip promenade.

江戸川区を東西に横断する「新川」. 古くは江戸城下へ塩を運ぶ「塩の道」として賑わった運河だそうです. 約3㎞にわたってきれいに整備され「新川千本桜」となりました.
#Senbonzakura #Shinkawa #Edogawa #Tokyo

Music: "phtoalbum", "happiness" from
Camera: Crosstour CT8500


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