How to Use Systemic Fungicide RTS: Product Review

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In this video, we will review Systemic Fungicide RTS. We'll go over how it works, how to use, where and when to apply, drawbacks and the different considerations before choosing this product.

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Need a liquid fungicide labeled for preventative AND curative control? Check out:


Watch Patch Pro's product review:    • Patch Pro Fungicide: Product Review  

Want to skip ahead?

What is it? What is it used for? 0:33
Product drawbacks: 0:57
Getting started: 1:44
How to use: 2:08
What to expect: 2:40


Systemic Fungicide RTS is a 1.55% propiconazole systemic fungicide. This product is water based and works by absorbing into the plant.

Systemic Fungicide RTS can be used outdoors on turf and ornamental plants to control many different species of fungi or diseases, but this is our go to product for controlling brown patch, grey leaf spot, and powdery mildew.

Apply Systemic Fungicide RTS evenly to the affected areas, and the adjacent areas to ensure no disease spreads.

It can also be applied to ornamental gardens and trees, but be sure to read the label before applying as some plants are sensitive to the active ingredient propiconazole, and may be harmed if the product is applied to them.

Systemic Fungicide RTS has a residual of up to thirty days. Application rates vary depending on the disease being treated, so read the label for the proper time to re-apply for the disease you are treating.

Learn more about Systemic Fungicide RTS and how to use this fungicide on our website!

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