Perianal abscess recurrence? is it common? # why treat then?

Описание к видео Perianal abscess recurrence? is it common? # why treat then?

1) Peri anal abscess, what is it ?
Peri anal abscess is an infectious problem, it is pus or abscess formation around the anal canal.

2) How does a peri anal abscess develop?
It happens due to infection of the peri anal glands surrounding the anal canal.

3) what are the symptoms ?
- Pain in the anal region , little to start with and the. it becomes severe pain, the patient may not be able to sit,
- some times the abscess may break open and start discharging pus,
- the patient may notice swelling around the anal canal,

4) what is the best treatment ?
Surgery is the best treatment along with antibiotics. The surgery is Incision and drainage of the abscess it is done under short anesthesia like spinal anesthesia, the pus is drained and the patient can go home on the same day or the next day.

5) Can a peri anal abscess recur after surgery?
Most of the patients get healed by the surgery and the antibiotic. However some patients may develop recurrent abscess or a anal fistula. The patient has to undergo another surgery for the abscess or treatment for the fistula is he develops a fistula.

6) what happens if a peri anal abscess is not drained surgically?
Surgery is the best treatment for a peri naala abscess. If a peri anal abscess is not drained, then :
- the abscess can get complicated, it may forma horse shoe abscess, can extend to the supra levator area ,
- severe infection can lead to gangrene and sepsis
- sepsis and multi organ failure
- can develop life threatening complications also
- in some patients, it may form a chronic abscess lines by a thick wall which can
become difficult to treat,

7) is surgery mandatory for an abscess?
Yes, surgery is a must and the best treatment.

Contact details:
Dr Datta Ram U
Senior Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist
Laparoscopic surgeon
GI& HPB surgery

call us : +91 9895437059
E mail: [email protected]


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