Clicker Training for Horses - Mugging Happens

Описание к видео Clicker Training for Horses - Mugging Happens

Mugging happens! What to do?

Watch Shawna deal with mugging & talk through how to handle.

While practicing Hand Feeding Safely 🐴 with positive reinforcement we are teaching a behavior - calm, head away. Practice and patience lead to success.

Clicker training with horses - the Priority to Positive® path. At Via Nova, our goal is to introduce Positive Reinforcement (R+) training methods into the traditional horse world in a way that they will be understood, accepted and adopted. As a practical means to move forward, we've developed an approach called Priority to Positive® (PtP).

#positivetraining #positivereinforcement #handfeedsafely #prioritytopositive


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