➤➤ Packaging machines VP511 and VP451K ➤➤ to pack coffee pads into cartons

Описание к видео ➤➤ Packaging machines VP511 and VP451K ➤➤ to pack coffee pads into cartons

Meypack produces end-packaging machines. Not just any kind of machine but rather systems that measure up to the best end-packaging solutions in the world. Meypack is an internationally active specialist in machine manufacturing for individual packaging machines. Machines made in Germany, serviced and maintained by Meypack’s own personnel.

Case packers of the VP Series

VP 500 Series

The VP 500 Series is based on a continuous packaging process carried out on one level. These machines are also designed for tray, wrap-around case and tray with lid applications. The continuous motion mode of operation ensures very gentle product handling and processing. As with all Meypack machines, the open design of the VP 500 Series machines provides optimal machine accessibility, which facilitates simple operability, fast format changeovers and effi cient cleaning and maintenance work. The wrap-around machines can operate at a speed of up to 60 cycles per minute while the tray machines can pack at a speed of up to 90 cycles per minute. The tray machines are also available in a double lane version. In the wrap-around machines, it is possible to integrate fully automatic partition insertion systems for individual partitions or fully automatic partition systems for pre-fabricated partitions.

The VP 500 Series, with its modular construction, can be combined with the SW Series and thereby offers the highest possible flexibility in packaging solutions for the most varied of applications.

VP 400 Series

The Meypack case packers of the VP Series are available as intermittent (cycled) or continuous motion machines. The intermittent, highly flexible machines of the VP 400 Series pack in trays, wrap-around cases and trays with lids. The application “tray with lid” is possible in two variations, where the lid is either inserted or glued. The required cardboard blank quality conforms to the industry standard. The lowering principle is a special attribute of the VP 400 Series, which is equipped with and controlled by modern servo-technology. Positioned on an index chain, the product formations are transported at a low level through the machine, which guarantees the best possible folding and formation of the packaging unit. In addition, the lowering principle makes a space-saving, compact construction of this series possible – one advantage among others. Thanks to the mostly standardised components, the machines can be quickly and efficiently assembled. The VP 400 Series is suitable for an output of up to 30 cycles per minute.

For all of the VP 400 Series machines, the product infeed can be designed as either an inline or an angled version. The Meypack case packers of the VP 400 Series can be combined with the shrink wrappers from the SW Series.

Die Meypack Kartonverpackungsanlagen der Serie VP stehen als diskontinuierlich (getaktete) oder kontinuierlich arbeitende Anlagen zur Verfügung. Die getakteten, sehr flexiblen Maschinen der Serie VP 400 verpacken in Trays, Wrap-Around Kartons und Trays mit Deckel. Die Applikation „Tray mit Deckel“ ist in zwei Varianten, zum Einstecken und zum Verleimen, möglich. Die Anforderung an die Kartonqualität ist industriegerecht. Ein besonderes Merkmal der Serie VP 400 ist das mit moderner Servotechnologie ausgestattete, kontrollierte Absenkverfahren. Die Produktformationen werden dabei, positioniert auf einer Taktkette, auf einer niedrigeren Ebene durch die Maschine transportiert, wodurch eine bestmögliche Faltung und Formung der Packstücke garantiert wird. Zudem sorgt das Absenkverfahren u.a. auch für eine platzsparende, komprimierte Bauweise dieser Serie. Dank der weitestgehend standardisierten Baugruppen können die Anlagen wirtschaftlich und zügig montiert werden. Die Serie VP 400 ist für Leistungen von bis zu 30 Takten pro Minute auslegbar.

Die Produktzuführung ist bei allen Typen der Serie VP 400 sowohl als Inline- als auch als Winkelkonstruktion möglich. Die Meypack Kartonverpackungsanlagen der Serie VP 400 sind mit den Folieneinschlagmaschinen der Serie SW kombinierbar.

- Case Packer VP511
- Case Packer VP451K
- Paddle chain infeed
- Pick & place
- Meypack lowering principle

For more information, please visit:
Website: www.meypack.de

[email protected]


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