ADHD Job Search: Find a Fulfilling, High-Income Job (6 Simple Criteria)

Описание к видео ADHD Job Search: Find a Fulfilling, High-Income Job (6 Simple Criteria)

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There are 6 important criteria when we as people with ADHD are looking for a job, which we have to regard. These criteria are as follows:
1. Interest-fueled
2. Creative
3. Risk-taking
4. Constant Adaptation
5. Intense
6. Structured

Regarding these criteria can lead you to become a master of success in your field and will highten your chances of becoming financially independent i.e. can make you a lot of money. Contrary to popular belief, high-income jobs often list specific criteria that we as adhd-people posess. We must take advantage of them in order to live our best lives!

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