Пушкин (Царское Село) / Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo) - 1931

Описание к видео Пушкин (Царское Село) / Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo) - 1931

Пушкин (Царское Село) / Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo) - 1931
Пушкин (Царское Село)
Екатерининского дворца
Фотографии Брэнсон ДеКу
1931 г.

Pushkin (Tsarskoe Selo)
Catherine Palace
Photographs by Branson DeCou

Impromptu by Anton Rubinstein

Here I present a series of photographs by the American photographer and traveller. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1892. He became interested in photography during his time at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey.
In 1931/32, DeCou visited the Soviet Union and took many photographs on hand-tinted glass lantern slides, which he used in years of travel lecture tours. DeCou died of a heart attack in1941...
His vast collection of slides were later given to the University of California, at the Santa Cruz campus......


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