[頌缽療愈音樂Tibetan Healing Sounds]療愈靜心 | 冥想 | 失眠 | Tibetan Song | Tibetan Music | Tibetan Bowl |

Описание к видео [頌缽療愈音樂Tibetan Healing Sounds]療愈靜心 | 冥想 | 失眠 | Tibetan Song | Tibetan Music | Tibetan Bowl |

頌缽(Singing Bowl)流傳自西藏及尼泊爾地區,又被稱為西藏頌缽、尼泊爾頌缽或喜瑪拉雅缽,是一種會發出療癒聲音的樂器。為甚麼頌缽會愈來愈受歡迎?它對身心靈充滿很多好處,具有音樂治療的效果。以下介紹如何挑選頌缽及使用方法,可以先去了解再看看是否感興趣。在這個最壞的時代,試著由頌缽來為自己及身邊的人帶來療癒吧!

Singing Bowl , is spread from Tibet and Nepal. It is also called Tibetan Singing Bowl, Nepalese Singing Bowl or Himalayan Bowl. It is an instrument that emits healing sounds. Why are singing bowls growing in popularity? It is full of many benefits for the body, mind and soul and has the effect of music therapy. The following introduces how to choose a singing bowl and how to use it. You can go to learn about it first and see if you are interested. In this worst of times, try using singing bowls to bring healing to yourself and those around you!


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