Tuto: How to (easily) kill all the bosses - Noita

Описание к видео Tuto: How to (easily) kill all the bosses - Noita

/!\ more explanations about bosses' mechanics in description /!\


These technics just use Kolmi's weaknesses to some damage types, they are mainly used in speedruns for low orb kolmi but since his resistances change with the amount of orbs he has if you have le lot of orbs, you'll have to build a high dps wand.


Projectiles that do self damage like plasma will keep damaging him even when grabbed by his shield.
Some projectiles turn into magic missiles and explode him when grabbed. One of them that works pretty well is spiral shot.
Fast firing wands work if they are fired from inside the shield, if the projectiles don't last one frame they can damage you though.
Alchemist isn't really resistant to explosions so putting a lot of explosives on a trigger can be very effective.

Connoisseur of Wands:

When the Connoiseur of wands takes damage, he'll shoot the last projectile he copied so if you get him to copy plasma, he'll just shoot it over and over until he dies.
Damage field can damage him even when his shield is up so if you put it on a projectile that doesn't die when hitting the boss, you can kill him quite quickly but you should take cover.

Pyramid boss:

Plasma can deal damage to the pyramid boss even if he's closed, if you don't have plasma just wait for him to open and shoot with any kind of dps wand (exept drill).
The target area of homing is located in the upper part of its shell, so homing without plasma isn't advised for this fight.


Dragon is one of the only bosses that you can freeze melee, other than that he doesn't have a lot of resistances or protection so you can kill him with a basic dps wand.

Triangle boss:

Triangle boss have a physical body so you can kill him simply by digging its center.
For some reason, he's also the only boss that isn't immune to poly.

Master of Master:

A rapide fire wand can kill the orbs quite easily, ping pong lumi is perfect because you can shoot them while hidden behind a wall and the Master won't be able to attack you.
You can also shoot all the orbs with trick kill explosions (a normal explosion will still deal you curse damage even if you're explosion immune), acid or earthquake since it doesn't count as a player attack.
His invinsibility is removed during 1 frame every 100 frames so you can shoot a projectile that deal a lot of damage and stay on him, that way you can kill without even killing his orbs.


Tiny is immune to projectile damage so unless you have a projectile weakening curse, you'll have to deal other types of damage like explosion, drill and slice damage work well.

Mecha Kolmi:

Mecha Kolmi is immune to both projectile and explsion damage so as for Tiny, if you don't have the corresponding weakening curse just use other types of damage like drill, slice and electric.


Friend doesn't get the buff he's supposed to get when the little ones are killed so basically anything that does damage can kill him quite easily.


Another boss that is projectile immune, as always drill, electric and explosion damage work well against him.
Acid and earthquake are also really effective as long as the paha silmä is close enough to him.


If you use a projectile weakening curse on him, he will simply shoot until he kill himself. Other curses will works as usual and will not make him commit a suicide.
If you don't have any curse you can use a wand with spell to power that does huge amount of explosion damage or an omega black hole (Leviathan isn't immune to curse damage).

00:00 Kolmi - freeze melee
00:12 Kolmi - chainsaw
00:27 Kolmi - acid
00:45 Kolmi - eldritch portal
01:11 Kolmi - earthquake
01:37 Alchemist - plasma
02:07 Alchemist - bunch of explosives on a trigger
02:18 Alchemist - damage + chainsaw
02:45 Alchemist - piercing mushroom
02:58 Alchemist - spiral shot
03:11 Connoisseur of Wands - plasma
04:04 Connoisseur of Wands - omega sawblades
04:29 Connoisseur of Wands - damage field
04:51 Connoisseur of Wands - big brain strat
05:48 Pyramid boss - homing plasma
06:03 Dragon - classic rapid fire wand
06:15 Dragon - freeze melee
06:32 Triangle boss - black holes
06:50 Triangle boss - ping pong lumi
07:08 Triangle boss - matosade
07:24 Triangle boss - circle of transmogrification
07:39 Master of Master - ping pong lumi
08:18 Master of Master - trick kill explosion
08:38 Master of Master - acid
09:10 Master of Master - earthquake
09:39 Master of Master - personal lightning caster
10:04 Master of Master - kill him trough invincibility
10:22 Tiny - thunder charge
10:39 Tiny - chainsaws/drills
10:59 Mecha Kolmi - electric damage
11:10 Mecha Kolmi - chainsaws/drills
11:31 Friend - just shoot smh
12:27 Forgotten - electric/explosion damage
12:41 Forgotten - drills
12:56 Forgotten - acid
13:11 Forgotten - earthquake
13:23 Leviathan - weakening curse projectile
13:48 Leviathan - weakening curse explosion
15:07 Leviathan - deal a LOT of explosion damage
15:26 Leviathan - omega black hole


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