Brandon Westgate: 100 Table Ollies In The New Balance Numeric NM913

Описание к видео Brandon Westgate: 100 Table Ollies In The New Balance Numeric NM913

Ever since we started this wear test people have asked for a 100 Ollie wear test and we knew that one day we would do it. We just had to wait for the right one, and boy was this is. With Brandon Westgate dropping his first pro model shoe for New Balance Numeric, we knew he had to be the one to test them and we also knew that we finally had our 100 Ollie wear test. Only, we couldn't have him Ollie on flat or even over boards. Thankfully Brandon is a freak of nature and was able to Ollie a legit mini table 100 times to see how his shoes hold up. Grab a pair of NM913's today at!

Buy Brandon's shoe, here!

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