Tori Amos - Caught a Lite Sneeze/Hurt (Sessions at West 54th - Uncensored Reconstruction)

Описание к видео Tori Amos - Caught a Lite Sneeze/Hurt (Sessions at West 54th - Uncensored Reconstruction)

This has always been my favorite live performance of this song, marred only by the fact that it was censored for broadcast TV...

Fast forward 25 years, and I was finally able to create my own uncensored version, by extracting the vocals, chopping up and splicing the words 'she' and 'did' together (which created a close enough approximation of a word that was just too naughty for TV back in 1998) and inserting the newly created 'shid' back into the mix.

I was pleased and amused with the results and felt like sharing...



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