
Описание к видео Bogged

We get a lot of questions about the truck. People want to know how it goes both on and off road and whether we've encountered any issues. Generally the answers are always the same and that we wouldn't have it any other way and that it goes very well.

Although occasionally we encounter an issue that we have to work through.

Getting bogged up near Darwin during the Wet Season was one of those times.

We had a feeling that it wasn't going to be an easy track, however knew there was capable hands and heavy machinery on the other side should anything go wrong. Would never have attempted it otherwise.

After following another vehicle in front of us who got stuck themselves on the left hand side, we took the right hand side that appeared to have firmer ground. We slipped off the hard ground into the ruts with the front diff ending up on hard ground so wasn't going anywhere with no traction on front or rear wheels.

Quite a number of beers later, covered in mud and some unsuccessful attempts to pull the truck out we had the van unhitched and pulled the truck out with a 25 tonne loader the next day.

All part of the adventure and a lot of good fun.


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