Advanced Squad Leader- WARR AP 91- Cowards Quit Early

Описание к видео Advanced Squad Leader- WARR AP 91- Cowards Quit Early

Advanced Squad Leader.
1.5-2x speed
As the British made a precarious and disjointed withdrawal in front of the relentless Japanese advance, many small actions were fought between the Bilin River and the easily fordable Thebyu River. The Bilin was the last barrier before the Salween River, and the Japanese had crossed it with ease, bringing great pressure on the scattered defenders. As the 48th Brigade was pushed towards Sittang, 1/3rd Gurkha Rifles made contact with leading elements of 33rd Division and their Burmese guides who were following the railway into Thebyu Chaung. A sharp action ensued and the Japanese were halted. . .for the moment.


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