FULL and a HALF Twisting BACK Layouts...The How to

Описание к видео FULL and a HALF Twisting BACK Layouts...The How to

This video is about FULL and a HALF Twisting BACK Layouts

FULL 1/2 twisting

The following Video is my step by step process to learn a FULL 1/2 twisting back Layout.

We have 7 steps to learn a FULL 1/2.
work on doing a back layout and see the ground. When the gymnasts see the ground they need to extend the lead arm out directly to the side. This is the lead arm. LEAD arm is the LEFT for left twisting gymnasts and RIGHT for RIGHT twisting gymnasts.

!!CAUTION!!please take the proper steps to make sure the gymnast can land safely and flat as can be on step one. you might need some extra steps to accomplish this. Landing arched on the stomach is never a good idea on any landing surface. CAUTION!!

when the land start to turn AFTER landing on the mat. Lead the twist front the wrist. The farthest point from the center of the body. so wrist compared to shoulder.
STEP 3: 
just like the step above but do it in the air BEFORE landing
Once they land the 1/2 on their back bring the top high arm down and connect with the lead arm AFTER landing. at should height. Make the path of the high arm directly to the lead arm. straight line to connect with hands quickly.
do the above step in the air BEFORE landing. 
STEP 6: ( in another video called FULL Twist will go into more details)
put it all together and do a FULL
Full 1/2 after touching the second high arm to the low lead arm they will bring the lead arm back as if they were going to shoot a Bow and Arrow (also the name we call the position) The elbow will now be the leader of the skill. It will extend back pulling the shoulder while still keeping the forearm at a 90 degree angle the the bicep( upper arm) keeping that space still allows the wrist to still do much of the leading of the trick and also give some space for extra skills to be done out of the FULL 1/2 ( like punch fronts and more specifically front tuck twisting)
** in this video the girls are still learning 1 1/2 and we didn't start making them do the 90 degree angle bent arm until I realized we would like that arm farther out to do the punch front tuck twisting skills. So in this video they are truly pulling like a Bow and Arrow with the bent arm hand close to the body and allowing the elbow to do most of the twist. In our case we sort of have a step 7 a true Bow and Arrow and a step 7.2 ;-) when we relax the tightness of the bent arm and do a 90 forearm which again will allow for a better opportunity to do front twisting skills out of the back 1 1/2.

The head needs to look down the long straight arm, again as if you are shooting a Bow and Arrow and focusing on the landing surface. I like them to squeeze the shoulders closer together and more of a squeeze position and a slight arch, since they are now landing a front skill since it is a FULL 1/2 they should land more like a front layout would land.I like them to focus on the ground which will be behind them. This gives them 1/2 of a revolution in which they see the ground. ( the last 1/2 of the full 1/2 they will see the landing. since this is a blind landing I prefer to make it NOT a blind landing……MORE of a redirected seeing landing. Hard to explain but I like the head to look at the ground which will be behind them.

The overall keeping the arms far away from the body will yes make this initial twisting more difficult but will make the more difficult twisting of double and triples be easier when they wrap tighter. Like a figure skater spinning. so keep long term goals in mind when doing this.

STEP 8 ( in another video called DOUBLE FULL)
Double Full is also one more step from the Full at Step 6.

* IMPORTANT…when doing a Double Full you will not actually do step 7! Double full skips step 7 in theory but I feel it is still a great step in the learning process. With that being said. Step 6- Step 8 is actually what happens in the air for a double full. IMPORTANT*

This process can be easy to learn or very very difficult. I have one girl that took a full year to get to step 3. No joke. so don’t rush it. After learning the steps properly they really start to pick up speed and get 1 1/2 and Double with in a month of Full. So keep the long term goals in focus. DON’T RUSH THE PROCESS

If you are interested in the process stay tuned and I hope to update asap. Feel free to message me and ask me any questions.

you can find me on instagram Michael_Durante
or facebook and twitter.

I'm available for clinics and camps
my email is [email protected]

next video in the series is
Double Full
link below
   • DOUBLE FULL Twisting BACK Layouts.......  


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