The Plastic Amendments: Are we fulfilling the Promise? | Basel OEWG-14 Side Event

Описание к видео The Plastic Amendments: Are we fulfilling the Promise? | Basel OEWG-14 Side Event

More than three years have passed since the Plastic Waste Amendments to the Basel Convention entered into force on 1 January 2021. After China banned the import of several types of wastes in 2018, developing countries became overwhelmed with plastic wastes from high-income countries, diverted from their usual route to China. Much of the wastes were illegally dumped and burned, causing widespread pollution and health problems.  

Originally, these Amendments were envisioned to cover all plastic waste, aiming to control and eliminate the dirty trade via bans and the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure under the Basel Convention. However, the latest trade data and on-the-ground evidence show that the trade of plastic waste remains largely out of control. 

High volumes of plastic waste are still being exported, plastics have been found hidden in other waste streams, and mixed plastics that are often dirty and hazardous have escaped the PIC procedure. In addition, the Amendments do not apply to all plastic waste, and plastics with hazardous additives continue to be traded without controls. Meanwhile, upon closer scrutiny, the actual recycling of plastics can hardly be considered environmentally sound management. 

This panel discussion by Basel Action Network and Break Free From Plastic presents a snapshot of where the world is at, in both exporting and importing countries, and examines the challenges in combating illegal waste trafficking and the enforcement of international law. The panellists will also delve into the loopholes in the Amendments, and present recommendations to uphold the original promise of the Basel Convention Plastic Waste Amendments – to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of hazardous plastic waste. 

More information: https://www.genevaenvironmentnetwork....


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