Friction saver and rope install plus retrieval from the ground with trainee climber and BONUS TIPS

Описание к видео Friction saver and rope install plus retrieval from the ground with trainee climber and BONUS TIPS

This video explains in detail how to install a friction saver and then a climbing rope from the ground, then retrieve the rope and friction saver from the ground, with a bunch of great tips shared along the way.

Install throwline
00:01:26 Isolate a limb
00:01:48 Throwline through big ring
00:02:26 Pull entire line through big ring
00:03:00 Pass line through small ring
00:03:09 Reattach throw ball
00:04:06 Pull friction saver up
00:04:40 Let throw ball down
00:05:17 Ball comes down on small ring side
00:05:25 Tie on the spliced eye
00:07:14 Squash the eye to fit through small ring
00:08:09 Use carabiner to pull a stuck throwline
00:08:44 Retrieve friction saver
00:10:00 Friction saver options
00:10:40 Install recap

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