Call Of Duty Modern Warfare III - Part 11 - Stronghold

Описание к видео Call Of Duty Modern Warfare III - Part 11 - Stronghold

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare III - Part 11 - Stronghold Gameplay

During the loading cutscene, Price contacts MacMillan, informing the latter of Soap's death. Price mentions that Yuri states Makarov uses an old castle to cache weapons, and asks MacMillan if the place sounds familiar, to which MacMillan reveals that they did run UAV surveillance on a suspect castle years ago. With the location now confirmed, Price and Yuri gear up to infiltrate the castle. The mission starts with Yuri and Price parachuting into the castle grounds. As they approach the ground, Price eliminates two guards with his pistol. The pair cross open space and hide behind an old wall as a patrol passes by. The two then drop down into a courtyard with numerous vehicles in it. Crawling under the vehicles, Price plants C4 to cover their escape. Emerging from the last vehicle, Yuri takes out a guard and Price hides the body. A spotlight scans the area, and after it passes, the pair rush across to a platform. Crawling under that, Yuri plants C4 on the underside. Once reaching the edge, a guard drops down and puts out his cigarette. Once he has left, the pair creep to the security center. Price bangs on the door, and when it is opened, proceeds to kill all personnel inside. Studying the cameras, Price decides to go straight to the command center. Using a dead guard's fingerprints, he opens the door. The pair clear out a dark dungeon, using night vision to kill guards. The guards become wise to this and throw flares to help spot the attackers.

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