Raritan Central Railway Switching w/ LETX SW1500's

Описание к видео Raritan Central Railway Switching w/ LETX SW1500's

While all but one of Raritan Central Railway's (RCRY) original engines receive dummy trucks and prepare for retirement/shipment to LTEX, 2 leased LTEX SW1500's numbered 1100 & 1074 take their place. Hurricane Sandy took a huge toll on the Edison, NJ based railroad damaging all but one locomotive's traction motors. RCRY has been wanting new locomotives and the railroad took this event to work towards getting them. The same day of this video, RCRY's B23-7's had their traction motors swapped out for dummy trucks to be shipped by CSX to Ohio for salvaging by LTEX. The traction motors were sold before they were even taken out due to high demand. This video displays the switching duties performed after half of the deliveries are made to customers. (Taken 4/17/13)

**TRACTION MOTOR REMOVAL VIDEO:    • Swapping Traction Motors for Dummies ...   **


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