etrailer | How to Install the Tekonsha Prodigy P3 Trailer Brake Controller on a 2018 Honda Odyssey

Описание к видео etrailer | How to Install the Tekonsha Prodigy P3 Trailer Brake Controller on a 2018 Honda Odyssey

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Full transcript:
Speaker 1: Today on our 2018 Honda Odyssey, we're going to be taking a look at and showing you how to install the Tekonsha Prodigy P3 trailer brake controller, part number 90195. Now to help us with our installation, we're going to be using the universal installation kit for trailer brake controllers with a seven way RV and four way flat connector, part number ETBC7.So here's what our P3's going to look like once we have it installed. It is a proportional brake controller, which means it's going to apply the trailer brakes in the same intensity and at the same time that we apply the brakes on our vehicle. Because there's an internal inertia sensor, that's going to detect the deceleration of our vehicle and apply the brakes accordingly to our trailer.Like most brake controllers, this is going to have a manual override button. It's going to have a lever here at the bottom and if we sweep it over to the left, we can see that it's going to manually apply the brakes even if I'm not pushing on the brake pedal on my car. Now this is going to come in handy if your trailer starts to sway, when you're going down the road and you need to slow it down without hitting the brakes on your vehicle.

It's also going to have a boost feature. It's going to have a total of four different settings. One being boost off, boost one, boost two, and boost three.Now the boost setting is going to allow you to have a different intensity depending on how big of a trailer you're pulling. The boost setting is going to determine how quickly and how aggressively the brakes are going to be applied to the trailer. For instance, on boost level one our brakes are actually going to start out at 13% of the maximum power and then increase with the deceleration of our car.

Whereas with boost two or three, it's going to start out a little bit higher and eventually get up to that final setting that much quicker.Now in the corner here, you can see that it has a B1. That's going to let you know that it's on boost one and we can see the little display with a truck with a trailer behind it. And if we go up to boost two, we can see that the trailer gets a little bit bigger. And finally on boost three, you can see that it's a much larger trailer than the vehicle that's pulling it. That's just a quick glance, you'll know what boost setting your on and be able to determine if you need that much for your setup.Over here to the left, we're going to have the up and down arrows.

And that's going to have your maximum power setting. So right now, maximum power setting is 14, which it's going to be in volts. And you can go all the way down to zero. Then you'll be able to hit cancel or okay using the side buttons here. So at a quick glance, if you just push one of the buttons, it'll let you know what your maximum power setting is.

Now the P3 is going to work with electric and electric over hydraulic brakes.If we come over to this button on the right that looks like a book and we press it, it'll take us into the setup menu. We're going to have display, brake type, and help. If we go to the brake type, we can see that we can choose either electric or hydraulic brakes. One of the unique settings on our brake controller is that we can actually change the color of our display. If we go into the setup menu and we hit display, we can actually change the brightness, the color as well as the contrast. There's going to be a wide color variety that's available in here. Ranging from blue, green, red, and even pink.Since this is a proportional brake controller, we are going to have to make sure that it's facing the direction of travel that we're going to be driving. It's also going to have to be parallel to the ground. So we're going to have to have it nice and level going across on the sideways plane. Now we're going to be able to mount it in almost any angle up and down like this. We're just going to have to make sure that it's nice and level and pointing in the direction we're going. Now it is going to have an automatic level


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