Choosing a Board for CircuitPython A Few Important Considerations

Описание к видео Choosing a Board for CircuitPython A Few Important Considerations

Important considerations for beginners when choosing a CircuitPython board. We look at board size, headers, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, expandability, unravel STEMMA-QT vs. STEMMA & common newbie mistakes when confusing these standards, Feather wings, battery pass-through charging, and more. We'll look at a subset of boards that cover major consideration factors including the CircuitPlayground Bluefruit, Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W, Adafruit QT Py boards including the ESP32-S3, Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect, the Adafruit Feather boards including the RP2040, and we discussion pros and cons of choosing a Raspberry Pi single board computers, with special notes for STEM Educators. Part of Prof. John Gallaugher's Physical Computing Course. Full playlist at


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