🐉 Learn Program License Registration Patching (x64dbg) 🐉

Описание к видео 🐉 Learn Program License Registration Patching (x64dbg) 🐉

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Do you want to learn how to create a pro version patch of any program that is requesting pro-registration? Simply follow along and learn program software reverse engineering and the process of bypass patching the registration section of pretty much any program that runs on Windows or Linux?

Alternate software engineering tools:
Recommended Watching Assembly Language Learning, A great understanding of machine code will help you can watch an instructional learning guide for assembly @    • x86 Assembly Crash Course  

Official PlistExplorerPro released by VOW Software Studios
plistExplorerPro Available for purchase :


Fair Use Notice Disclaimer:

Non-profit, educational or personal use is within favor of
fair use act. The instructional video shown next is intended
for the informative purpose of discussion, commentary
& learning and is not for any commercial gain on behalf of
the broadcaster. The sole intent of this video is of
an educational nature to be viewed for the people wanting
technical knowledge on the workings of internal procedures
of an application or program.

Recommended Watching Assembly Language Learning, A great understanding of machine code will help you can watch an instructional learning guide for assembly @    • x86 Assembly Crash Course  
   / @hakdmodz  

For you the viewer that this newly modified software is not permitted by law to be redistributed by you or the person doing the modification of any licensed software without the written permission from the developer.

Including no monetary gain for you or by the software modifier.

HaKDMoDz™ does not endorse or encourage piracy or any kind of copyright-infringing behavior.

This tutorial is solely for the purpose of discussion and learning the workings of the software.

Extra Tags:
#software patching
#software patch process
#software patching process
#create software patch
#how to patch software
#patch management software
#patch maker software
#software cracking and patching
#patching Windows programs
#program registration patch
#cracking program registration
#patching program registration
#make a software patch
#make a software crack activation patch
#creating a software patch crack
#patch crack
#reverse engineering
#debugging registration software
#registration bypass
#patch bypass
#how to
#windows software
#program registration bypassing
#program patch development
#patching software
#pro patch
#license crack
#make a keygen
#patch a program
#program hacking
#registration hack
#license patch
#software key
#mod program registration
#registration bypassing
#activation of software
#trial software
#full version software
#license key patch
#key license crack
#crack key
#linux software
#learn how to#key patch
#hack a program
#bypass license
#license patch
#license cracking
#program cracking


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