Marvel Team-Up #74 - Atop the Fourth Wall

Описание к видео Marvel Team-Up #74 - Atop the Fourth Wall

Welcome to Atop the Fourth Wall, where bad comics burn. In this episode, Linkara looks at a bizarre team-up - Spider-Man and Saturday Night Live!

Originally uploaded June 4th, 2012.

ORIGINAL INFO: Live from New York, it’s a really bizarre team-up!

RUMINATIONS: And here’s where we start getting into the fun stuff of the show.

Reviewers treat stuff like a character from a piece of fiction appearing on their show as if it was nothing, as if their existence out of their medium is just something as fact. I’ve always felt kind of uncomfortable about that, even when I indulged in it myself by having Cable appear back during my early days. We can let Snowflame get away with it because… well, it’s Snowflame… or we can just assume it’s a random crazy person who’s addicted to cocaine and not necessarily the one from the comic. But then you’ve got stuff like people reviewing Star Trek material having their own phasers… and for them, it’s not treated like it’s some big deal or a joke – as far as they’re concerned, within their own little “universe,” as it were, these things ARE real. And sometimes it’s okay to follow the MST3K mantra – “Just repeat to yourself – it’s just a show, I should really just relax” – but for other times when a show has its serious and genuine dramatic moments, you really kind of need an explanation for how Linkara is a Power Ranger. And thus I went back to the classic of the show – the oft-repeated joke at the expense of One More Day – “It’s magic – I don’t have to explain it.” And thus that became kind of the subtitle of this storyline: “It’s Magic – I don’t have to explain it… but I will anyway.”


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