Predná Magura I Nízke Tatry, SK - Through meadows with views of the whole of Liptov

Описание к видео Predná Magura I Nízke Tatry, SK - Through meadows with views of the whole of Liptov

The hike from Partizánska (Biela) Ľupča to Predná Magura is quite relaxing and leads practically through an open area (along a side ridge) with good views of Liptov, only the altitude changes gradually. If you are interested, you can probably continue to Ľupčianska Magura about 150m higher without any problems. But your views at the top will be limited due to trees. There are several tourist seats along the way. On the top there is one with a canopy and therefore also a shadow. The bonus of this place are the views of the Low Tatras.

Biela Ľupča - Rumanec - Loviská - Predná Magura and back

Distance: ~9 km
Elevation: ~ 600 m
Terrain: meadows and in some places forest trails and roads, part of the route unshaded
Difficulty: undemanding


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