Different Types of Rosin

Описание к видео Different Types of Rosin


Don’t be overwhelmed by the variety of rosins out there! Lighter rosins are typically harder and better for hot, humid climates, while darker rosins are stickier and perform well in cool, dry climates. Brittle at room temperature, rosins can shatter if dropped, or even melt if stored in the sun or heat. Cello and bass rosins are much tackier than violin/viola rosin, so be sure to buy a rosin specifically made for your instrument.

What kind of rosin should you choose? Beyond choosing a rosin suitable for your climate and instrument, the type of rosin you choose and prefer will come down to personal preference. We encourage beginners to ask your teachers, friends, and professionals (like us!) which rosins may be suitable for you. At Kennedy Violins, we often recommend Kaplan Artcraft and Pirastro brand rosins for intermediate and advanced players. Clarity rosins are an excellent allergen-free choice for those sensitive to tree resins.


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