Seaclipse - Sweet Apple Acres

Описание к видео Seaclipse - Sweet Apple Acres

#mlp #brony #applejack #music
Originally, this piece was not intended to be a song. It began as a poem, a modest personal endeavour. I found inspiration in the passage of time at Sweet Apple Acres, particularly the notion of Applejack's demise and her transcendence, which I found rather captivating. Subsequently, I resolved to transform it into a song, allowing others to experience her thoughts, memories, and emotions. Imagine sitting beneath a tree with her, as she regales you with her story.




As the sun dips below the trees,
Another day draws to its close,
But memories linger on breeze,
Of times that now are but repose.

The orchard yields its bittersweet,
As apples tumble to the ground
But now the fruit is not as sweet,
For all that's lost and can't be found.

For in my mind, I see you there,
When all was vibrant, bright, and new,
When every harvest was a dare,
And every day was spent with you.

With family and friends with me,
And love to guide me through the path,
I'll rise above the doubt with pride.

So let the winds of change blow strong,
and let the storm clouds gather near,
For in my heart, a flame burns long,
Love and fulfillment draw near.

The autumn breeze blows crisp and cool,
And leaves of gold and red take flight,
The fields lay barren, empty, cruel,
As darkness swallows up the light.

The harvest now, it feels so cold,
With no one here to share the load,
The memories too much to uphold,
As tears drop down like rain bestowed.

For now, i'ts hard to say goodbye,
Let go the seeds of the past,
And watch as memories slowly die,
Like leaves that fall upon the cast.

With family and friends with me,
And love to guide me through the path,
I'll rise above the doubt with pride.

And when my time on Equestria's done,
I'll lay beneath this tree once more,
To know that I have truly won,
And lived a life worth fighting for.

For now my kicks are not as strong,
And age has dimmed my fervent light,
The farm that once was full of song,
Now echoes with a mournful blight.

Will they recall the cheerful days,
When laughter echoed through the rows,
And baskets overflowed with pride,
As we tended the fruit that grows?

But even as the seasons change,
And time erodes the things we knew,
I'll hold the memories so strange,
And keep the past alive, for you.




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