The Secret Trick to Calculate Cohen’s d in SPSS – It Can Be Done (11-9)

Описание к видео The Secret Trick to Calculate Cohen’s d in SPSS – It Can Be Done (11-9)

Cohen’s d is the most widely reported measure of effect size for t tests. Although SPSS does not calculate Cohen’s d directly, there are two ways to get it. First, you can enter your SPSS output into a downloadable calculator that will give you the effect size. Second, (at 8:30) you can use a little known workaround to force SPSS to calculate a Cohen’s d for you.

This video teaches the following concepts and techniques:
Cohen’s d effect size for t tests
IBM SPSS Statistics software

Link to a Google Drive folder with all of the files that I use in the videos including the Effect Size Calculator for t Tests and datasets. As I add new files, they will appear here, as well.


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