In this Sinful Anthology Series, A family is quarantined after a deadly virus outbreak, starving for a cure. A man is isolated in the sublet of reality.
Six Tales of Sin is a horror and suspense anthology series filled with drama, hysteria, crime, and the unknown shot in New York City in 2020. The series was written and directed by Joseph Ciminera.
Stars: Rober Arensen, John Basedow, Tiffany Brown Tavarez, Nicole Rosenberg, Mike Grandinetti, Randy Rieff, Brian Collin, Alan Bendich
Directed by Joe Ciminera
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Original programming available on Stash - Suspense & Thriller. Your ultimate destination for suspense and thriller entertainment. Watch hundreds of spine-chilling movies and TV shows, from heart-pounding psychological thrillers to suspenseful stories, crime dramas, slashers, murder mysteries, and more. Enjoy unlimited streaming of classic thrillers, modern suspense, and edge-of-your-seat mysteries with no credit cards, no subscription, and fewer ads than regular TV. Stash is building the world’s largest catalog of suspense and thriller entertainment, offering an extensive collection of cult classics, indie gems, and blockbuster hits to keep you captivated.
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