انواع الضمائر بطريقة سهلة Kinds of pronouns in a simple way

Описание к видео انواع الضمائر بطريقة سهلة Kinds of pronouns in a simple way

انواع الضمائر وطريقة استخدام كل نوع ومكانه في الجملة.وانواع الضمائر هي ،ضمائر فاعل،ضمائر مفعول،ضمائر ملكية ،صفات ملكية ،والضمائر المنعكسة.

kinds of pronouns and how to use each kind .Subject pronouns ,object pronouns ,posses pronouns and Reflexive pronouns.

Choose the correct answer :

1- ………………….. has probably forgotten all about the matter .
a- She b- Her c-Hers d- Herself
2- I haven't seen ………….. for a long time .
a- he b- him c- his d- himself
3- They say too much sugar is bad for ………… .
a- their b- our c- themselves d- you
4- ………… shouldn't believe what is written in the newspapers.
a- Them b- His c- Ourselves d- One
5- The machine broke down and we couldn't repair ………….
a- it b- itself c- them d- her
6- Be careful with the knife or you will cut …………..
a- you b- your c- yours d- yourself
7- We really enjoyed ………..
a- our b- us c- theirs d- ourselves
8- I don't want to stay here by ………….
a- me b- my c- mine d- myself
9- Shall ………….meet outside the cinema ?
a- we b- us c- ourselves d- our
10- I have got the stamps . I bought ………… yesterday .
a- it b- them c- themselves d- myself
11-Noha didn't buy those pictures she painted …………….. herself.
a- themselves b- them c- it d- itself
12- We looked up and saw a man standing in front of ………..
a- ourselves b- our c- ours d- us
13- Eman is very self confident . She has a high opinion of ……………
a- her b- herself c- him d- oneself
14- She bought a shirt in the market. ……………. was really cheap .
a- herself b- itself c- It d- They
15- I fell down and hurt ………… leg.
a- my b- myself c- me d- mine
16- The fans are all shouting at the top of ……….. voices .
a- his b- our c- their d- yours
17- I borrowed some magazines of …………..
a- you b- your c- yours d- yourself
18- The boys have got a garden just for ………….
a- them b- his c- theirs d- our
19- People build houses to protect……………from weather.
a-ourselves b-yourselves c-themselves d-itself
20-He told me to let ……………in.
a-himself b- yourself c-herself d-myself
21-We made this bookcase by……………… .Do you like it?
a-us b-ourselves c-ours d-our
22-Children never listen! I’ve warned ………about the dangers of playing with matches but they
just ignore me.
a-themselves b-theirs c-them d-they
23-I always look at ……….… in the mirror before I leave the house.
a-myself b-me c-mine d-my
24-Alaa and Arwa are here, the……..……are waiting in the car.
a-ones b- others c-other d-another
25-Does Salwa live on……………..own?
a-hers b-herself c-her d-she
26-When the car broke down ,I repaired it ………….myself.
a-on b-at c-in d-by
27-Don't put …………in a critical situation. I think he will dismiss you all.
a-yourself b-yourselves c-themselves d-ourselves
28-Although she is only 10 , she learned to cook on her …………
a-win b-won c-wine d-own
29-Mr. Amr is here .I saw him …………..
a-myself b-himself c-herself d-itself
30-The dog barked fiercely when it saw ……………..in the mirror.
a-myself b-himself c-herself d-itself
31-………..study our lessons very hard.
a-We b-us c-ours d-our
32- Give………a book ,please
.a-I b-me c-my d-mine
33- ………….father is a doctor.
a-She b-Her c-Him d-Hers
34-Can you help …………?
a-they b-them c-their d-theirs
35-Whose pencil is this? It’s …………
a-he b-him c-his d-her
36-She meets ………….friend every Friday.
a-she b-we c-her d-herself
37- Did you paint this picture yourself? Yes, I painted it …………
a-yourself b-myself c-ourselves d-herself
38-Mr. Ali is here. We saw him ……………….
a-yourself b-myself c-ourselves d-herself
39-That book isn't yours .It's………………….
a-theirs b-our c-my d-her
40-She shouldn't have used the knife that way. She cut ………….
a-yourself b-myself c-ourselves d-herself


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