Space Alexander Technique: The Table Turn.

Описание к видео Space Alexander Technique: The Table Turn.

Jessica Lee Morgan gives her partner Christian Thomas a lesson

In another video, Jessica guided Chris through lying down as he would on his own. Here, Jessica gives Chris what's known as a Table Turn... the same thing, but on a table to make it easier for the teacher, who uses their hands to help the pupil release undue tension.

Filmed in The Practice Rooms, Reading, where Jessica teaches on Thursdays.

Jessica Lee Morgan teaches the Alexander Technique in Reading and London, and online. Visit to find out more, and to contact Jessica. Also you can browse, like and subscribe to this channel for more videos.

The Alexander Technique is like taking lessons on an instrument, or an advanced driving course.
Sometimes we feel that our bodies should behave better.
Sometimes we forget that our minds are connected with our bodies.

The Alexander Technique is a self-help method. You work one-to-one with a teacher to change habits that block effective movement and your full potential.

It can help everyone, of all ages and abilities, but it is particularly valuable in
-Singing and playing an instrument
-Performance in general - acting, dance, public speaking
-Sport and fitness

It can help with
-Back Pain
-Pain in muscles, joints and bones
-Parkinson's Disease
-and others such as headaches, sciatica, RSI, etc...
In an Alexander Technique lesson, the teacher and pupil work together to identify certain habits that can impact on mental and physical well-being. We use simple movements such as standing, sitting and lying down. Sometimes we can explore more complex movements or as you have more lessons, something specific like playing an instrument.

You will be advised to wear comfortable clothing and be prepared to remove your shoes, but won't be asked to undress. Your teacher will put their hands on you lightly to help you identify muscular tension and promote easier use of yourself. The touch is gentle and guiding rather than that used in massage or chiropractic.

Initially a course of weekly lessons is recommended. A clinical study showed that 6 lessons effect some change in people with back pain, but 24 lessons had much longer-lasting benefits.

Just like learning any new skill, you need to take several lessons and be ready to apply what you have learned every day.


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