VLOG: Hurricane Beryl's parting gifts

Описание к видео VLOG: Hurricane Beryl's parting gifts

Hurricane Beryl's gifts keep on giving, and we're on the receiving end! Our power and air conditioning failed at home over a week ago. This isn't a happy vlog, but I wanted to touch base with everyone to drop hints about why videos are coming slowly (or not at all) for a while. Skip around with the chapter markers below.

Time indexes:
0:00 Our power is OUT and it's HOT in Houston!
3:14 Dead broke and waiting for checks to fix my power problems
4:25 Centerpoint Energy says the problem is ours to fix!
7:15 Life is tough right now, but my buddy is buying me breakfast!
8:15 Lane splitting with the CB500X, I-10 is full-stop this morning
11:00 Why doesn't Houstn have a "NO TRUCKS LEFT LANE" ordinance?
12:24 Exiting the HOV early to play in traffic
13:24 This feels like riding in a steam sauna
15:50 I'm ready to bathe in that water fountain
[email protected]

#cb500x #motovlog #motocommute
2014 Honda CB500X
Houston motorcycle commute
Houston traffic
motorcycle vlog
Centerpoint Energy failure
Centerpoint power outage


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