Unlock the Guitar Fretboard: Learn Musical Notes & the Note Circle

Описание к видео Unlock the Guitar Fretboard: Learn Musical Notes & the Note Circle

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In this video we introduce the 12 notes that exist in Western music and methods for finding them on the Guitar.

This isn't a memory test but more a chance for us to become aware of these notes at first and then naturally they all will fall into place.

Firstly, the notes go in alphabetical order: A, B, C, D, E, F, and G - These notes are Naturals, they are not modified by a sharp of flat (# or b) and then additionally those same notes can have sharps and flats versions. For example, the A note can be A# and Bb - This is called an Enharmonic Equivalent; they sound the same but have a different name.

There are 12 notes in an Octave, we can explore these notes by fretting each note in order until eventually you reach the same letter you started on - only it would be higher pitch (a whole Octave up!)

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